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Whether you are looking for a short social walk, a long-distance power walk, or to discover more of Alton and the surrounding countryside, there are plenty of established walking groups in the area with a diverse range of walking opportunities every month. If you have an idea for a walking group not addressed by the Groups below, please contact us:

Our Walking Groups

ALTON GENTLE WALKS are for people who would like a short, slow walk lasting about 30 - 45 minutes. They take place on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of every month. We meet outside the Alton Community Centre at 1.50 pm ready to start walking at 2.00pm. Then we set off to walk in either Flood Meadows or Alton Town Gardens. These walks major on the social side, as well as walking in beautiful areas and we end up in a cafe where folk can enjoy a cup of tea or coffee and chat!

Booking is not essential but if you would like further details then please contact either:

Gill 07786 942136
Or Pauline 07940 798041

Flood Meadows, Alton

Alton Wellbeing Walks

Our walks are short and over easy terrain and are open to everyone but are especially aimed at those who are least active. Walks are never more than 3 miles in length; about 1.5 hours duration.


Alton Wellbeing Walks offers its weekly walks at 10:30am on Tuesday mornings, supported by several specially trained volunteer leaders who are on hand to provide encouragement and support, and to make sure no one gets left behind. 

If you want to make-contact and find out more, please contact Marilla on 07790 310293

A group of walkers

This is an informal group that meets monthly. Its name indicates the walk length of between 5 and 10 miles. During each year, there will usually be at least six short walks (5-7 miles) offered as part of the programme. The group meets on the third Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday of each month and a programme for the whole year is issued in advance.


Ian Fleming is the organiser. A long-term Alton Walking Festival leader, he also serves on the Walk Alton committee.


Please contact Ian on 07766 174275 or email if you would like to join the mailing list; background information and a programme of walks will then be sent to you. Specific details of each walk and an invitation to book places will be sent via email 2-3 weeks before the walk date.

Walking boots

This informal group provides walks for those who sometimes find the weekly Wellbeing Walks rather slow and not quite challenging enough, but need something a little shorter than Five to Ten or Alton Women Walkers’ walks. Three to Five walks will usually be about 4-4.5 miles long and never longer than 5 miles.
The group currently meets on the second Sunday of each month at 10am
Please contact to be added to the mailing list; you will then be informed of upcoming walks in advance of each date.

The three to five walking group
Walkers with dog

An informal group that meets two times per month for short, brisk Saturday morning walks,. Aimed at busy women who love the outdoors but are short of time, volunteers lead a 4-5 mile walk lasting approximately 2 hours. Local women and their friends are welcome to join. 


If you would like to go on our mailing list for future walks please complete the following online form:

Ramblers Group Logos Vertical RGB.png

Alton has an active Ramblers Association group who lead several walks a month varying from four to 13 miles on weekdays and weekends, with a regular second Thursday of the month walk of about 5 miles. For anyone looking for a walk with a specific age group, the Hampshire 40+ group can be found at Hampshire Walkers or Hampshire Young Walkers

All Ramblers groups welcome walkers of all abilities and offer walkers a chance to sample up to three walks before deciding whether to subscribe. For the programme of walks and membership details visit:

Scenic view of Alton

Guided walks around historic Alton take place on one Saturday per month and start from the Curtis Museum at 11am.

The dates for 2025 are all the third Saturday in the month: Jan 18th, Feb 15th, March 15th, 
April 19th, May 17th, June 21st, July 19th, Aug 16th, Sept 20th, Oct 18th, Nov 15th and Dec 20th.

For further information, including to make a party booking, please contact Alton Community Centre on 01420 85057

Curtis Museum
Moss with a droplet of water

Alton Natural History Society runs walks and other events focused on the wildlife, plants and natural habitats of Hampshire and the surrounding areas. Walks are short
(1-5 miles) and often very slow while we examine and learn about the nature around us, but are full of interest.
Non-members are welcome to come a couple of times before deciding if they wish to join the Society. 

For more details

Alton Walking Church for Men.jpg

An opportunity to walk and talk. We begin and end at a local pub, providing an opportunity to share refreshments or a light meal afterwards. While most of the walks are for men only, we will follow the established tradition of an August walk from The White Hart in Holybourne which will be open to friends and family.

For those who love longer walks of about 20 miles, the Wessex Long Distance Walkers Association organise weekend social walks twice each month, usually meeting at 08.45 and walking until 16.30 with a lunch stop. Everyone is welcome to try a walk with the LDWA. Membership costs £15 per year.

If 20 miles is not enough, the LDWA organises check-pointed challenge events every weekend all over the country with varying distances of 25-100 miles.

Poppy in a field with blue skies
Alton railway station

Twice monthly, on Mondays and Thursdays, the Alton u3a  ramblers enjoy the wonderful countryside surrounding Alton on routes of around 6 miles. Routes take us over the hills, woods, tracks and viewpoints so typical of this part of Hampshire with occasional forays being made into Surrey and West Sussex.

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